Yes. If the business license is not renewed on or before Feb. 15, there is a 15 percent penalty assessed for the first 30 days the payment is late. There is an additional 15 percent penalty assessed if the license is paid after 30 days. The maximum penalty assessed each year for a delinquent license is 30 percent. In addition to a penalty, all delinquent licenses are assessed interest of 1 percent each month on the unpaid balance.
Any business or individual performing work of any kind in the City of Tuscaloosa or its jurisdiction needs to purchase a city business license. All commercial and residential-based businesses operating in the City of Tuscaloosa or its jurisdiction are required to have a business license. Please contact our office at or 205-248-5200 with any questions.
Monthly. Sales, Consumer and Seller’s Use, and Rental Tangible Personal Property taxes can sometimes be paid quarterly or annually depending on your business activities. Contact the Revenue Division for assistance in determining your filing frequency.
If you file using My Alabama Taxes, you must use the same filing frequency as you do with the State of Alabama.
Please visit the Business License section of our website for more detailed information about a business license. All new businesses will complete a Business License/Tax Application and return it to our office with a copy of the owner(s) driver’s license. Based on the type of business you have there may be other requirements you must fulfill.
Complete a Business License & Tax application and return it to the Revenue Division for processing. The completed form can be emailed to, mailed to the mailing address on the form, or brought into our office. When your new tax account has been created, you will receive and email confirming your account number and filing requirement.
All individuals and entities having a city business license are required by law to keep records that clearly show all transactions subject to City business licenses and taxes. This includes, but is not limited to, records showing:
Failure to keep proper records and make the available upon the City’s request constitutes a misdemeanor offense for which the City may issue a citation for observed violations. You are strongly encouraged to consult with your advisors about the law’s requirements or contact the City for more information. Retail businesses receiving primarily cash are especially encouraged to establish proper record-keeping procedures to avoid City penalties.
We accept the following payment types:
Our physical address is:
City of Tuscaloosa
C/O Revenue Division
2201 University Blvd
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Yes. If you are set up to file taxes with the City of Tuscaloosa, a tax return is required even if you had zero gross receipts.
Yes. A discount is allowed if the tax is paid on or before the 20th day of the month in which the tax is due. The sales tax discount consists of 5% on the first $100 of tax due and 2% of all tax over $100. The monthly discount may not exceed $200.
Businesses and individuals who have transactions in Tuscaloosa are responsible for reporting and paying applicable taxes directly to the City of Tuscaloosa.
The City of Tuscaloosa administers the following taxes:
Dial 311 within city limits
or 205-248-5311