Alt-duty is a program that allows employees return to work with restrictions to help them recover. The employee is given less demanding work duties to help him or her recover. Although it’s not full duty, it helps the employee return in a limited capacity and helps keep workers’ comp costs down, which benefits all City of Tuscaloosa employees.
Please do not submit original documents to Alight, only photocopies. Once Alight receives your documentation, the paper documentation is converted to an electronic image, which will be stored on secure systems with password-protected access. Your documents will be kept confidential and secure.
Yes, if you do not participate in open enrollment, your benefits will remain the same as they were for 2021 except for flexible spending accounts.
This is a tool that will help control health care costs by verifying and removing any ineligible dependents from the City's plan. So start gathering your dependent documents now. If you need to re-order a birth certificate or marriage certificate, now is the time to do so. If you cannot verify a dependent, they will not be eligible to remain on the plan.
Job opportunities are listed on our website at
Click "Employment Opportunities" to view currently open positions and "Job Descriptions" to view the qualifications and duties of all City positions. Note: We don't take applications for jobs that we are not currently advertising or after the closing date has expired. You can't submit a resume in lieu of an application, but you can upload and attach a resume to your application that is submitted through our online application system.
After determining that you are qualified for a job posted in Employment Opportunities, you may submit an application through our online applications system by clicking "Apply." If you have previously applied with us, you do not have to create another application; your information will be stored, and you should login with the username and password you’ve previously created.
Your former spouse does not qualify as a dependent under City of Tuscaloosa BCBS Alabama Medical & Dental and/or VSP Vision Plan(s) and must be removed from coverage on or before the deadline date. City of Tuscaloosa has arranged for Hodges-Mace, LLC to help all removed dependents find alternative coverage. Depending on when the divorce was final, your former spouse may be eligible for COBRA.
Yes. Hodges-Mace, LLC will provide a confirmation postcard via the US Postal Service once your verification is complete. If your required documents were processed but were determined to be incomplete, Hodges-Mace, LLC will send a reminder postcard stating you have not completed the process and should contact them for additional assistance.
Dependents dropped from coverage should seek the assistance of Hodges-Mace, LLC to find alternative coverage. Hodges-Mace, LLC has access to a broad range of affordable alternatives for a variety of situations. Some dependents may be eligible for COBRA coverage due to a qualified event if it occurred recently (such as divorce, legal separation, or aging out). If eligible, dependents will receive a COBRA package. However, receipt of the package does not automatically entitle them to COBRA coverage. For example, parents, grandparents, and siblings of members were never considered eligible dependents under the health plan are not eligible for COBRA coverage. City of Tuscaloosa reserves the right to request documentation proving prior eligibility status such as a divorce agreement, school registration, or court order from individuals who enroll in COBRA.
You must check the box in column 'D' next to the dependent's name and fill in the date in column 'E' on the Dependent Verification Affidavit. Your ineligible dependents will be removed from coverage. You may contact Hodges-Mace, LLC to discuss coverage alternatives.
Yes, dependent verification is a legal process. City of Tuscaloosa has the responsibility to ensure everyone enrolled in the plan meets the eligibility criteria. The specified documentation listed in the matrix will be needed to establish eligibility for your dependents. If Hodges- Mace, LLC does not receive this documentation, you risk your dependents not being covered by the health plan.
Faxed documents are entered into a HIPAA secured system as electronic images and are not printed to paper. Paper documents submitted are converted into electronic images and the paper is saved in a secure facility until they are destroyed upon completion of the project.
Dial 311 within city limits
or 205-248-5311