Tuscaloosa River Market Awarded Grant for Music at the Farmers Market
January 14, 2025
The Alabama State Council on the Arts has awarded the Tuscaloosa River Market with a $5,200 grant for its Harvesting Heritage program.
ASCA distributed 198 grants totaling $1,218,500, with the intent of sponsoring new and innovative public offerings state-wide.
In past years, the City Council has supported live music at the Farmers Market through the Fall Music Series, but the support from ASCA will allow an April - September schedule, funding an additional 26 performances.
“As the only standing weekly event in Tuscaloosa, the Farmers Market has become a hub for culture,” said Alexis Clark, Operations Manager of the Tuscaloosa River Market. “I’m looking forward to it also becoming a hub for cultural arts.”
You can learn more and apply to be a live performer here.